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Berhasil !!!!

Akhirnya selesai juga e-primbon semester 1. Tapi masih ada tugas lagi aduhhh, haha just kidding. Next tugas berikut nya ialah e-primbon semester 2 huhu. Dari awal bikin blog ampe sekarang ternyata asik juga yah ngeblog itu. Tugas di semester 1 ada 20 materi sedangkan di semester 2 ada 18 materi lebih enak yah. Semoga saya bisa menyelesaikan e-primbon semester 2 secepatnya.

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Speaking : Speech

Kali ini tentang pidato.
Temen temen pernahkah kaliam berpidato dalam bahasa inggris?
Aku sih belum pernah hahaha.
Berikut ni adalah deskripsinya :

Direct and Indirect Speech

    When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past. In these cases, the main verb in the reported sentence is put in the past. If the main verb is already in a past tense, then the tense changes to another past tense; it can almost be seen as moving even further into the past.

Direct Speech
~ Simple Present Tense “I always go to school”
~ Present Continous “I’m doing my homework”
~ Simple Past / Present Perfect “ I didn’t do my test well” / “I have sent an e-mail”
~ Modals “I’ll see you at the party” / “ You must be carefully”

Indirect Speech
~ Simple Past Tense “She said that she always went to school”.
~ Past Continous “She said that she was doing her homework”.
~ Past Perfect “She said that she had not done her test well” / “She said that she had sent an e-mail”.
~ Modals “She said that she would see me at the party” / ‘She said that I had to be carefully”.

Direct Speech → Refers to reproducing another person’s exact words. We use avotation marks.
Indirect Speech → Refers to reproducing the idea of another person’s words not all the exact words are used verb form and pronoun may change. We do not used avotation marks.

Example of speech

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LIstening: Make Me a Copy, Please!

Nah tau ga apa tuh make me a copy please.
Itu artinya dalam bahasa indonesia mendikte.
Berikut ini adalah deskripsinya :

~ Description:
Often times students are not able to communicate clearly what they would like to say. It is the purpose of this lesson to help student understand the need to be articulate and precise when explain steps to another student. In addition the student listening will learn to be a more effective listener.

~ Goal:
Student will understand the need to be articulate when communicating.

~ Background Information:
This activity will teach students to explain what they see and guide another students in reproducing the drawing by what they are told.

Teacher : Make a circle, please!
Adit  : pardon me?? Repeat, please!
Teacher : Make a circle, please !
Adit : Oh… sure
Teacher :O.K…!! Next, draw in drawing book!
Adit : Hmm... ok

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Analyze Character

Pernah gak kalian menganalisa suatu karakter.
Untuk menganalisa suatu karakter banyak yang harus diketahui terlebih dahulu.
Nah Mari kita belajar bersama yuk......

To obtain a well-rounded concept of your character’s personality, analyze both his internal and external qualities.

The internal aspects include the following :
  • Background
  • Mental characteristic
  • Spiritual or moral qualities
  • Emotional Characteristic

The external aspects include following :
  • Voice
  • Posture
  • Movement and gesture
  • Mannerisms
  • Dress
  • Motivating Desiress

Four types of characterization:

* Physical description.
* Speech and actions.
* Direct comment from the narrator.
* Speech and actions of other characters.

Four types of characters:

* Round: A complex and fully developed character.
* Dynamic: A character that develops throughout the story.
* Flat: A character described by one or two traits.
* Static: A character that does not change from the beginning of the story to its end.

Five ways to analyze characters:

* Motivation: What causes the character to act?
* Behaviour: What does the character do?
* Consequences: What results from the character’s behaviour?
* Responsibility: Is the character held accountable for his/her actions?
* Expectations: Are the reader’s expectations fulfilled or challenged? Why is this so?

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Kali ini tentang autobiography.
Mari kita simak sama-sama.

An autobiography is a book about the life of a person, written by that person.

Versions of the autobiography form
  1. Diary
  2. Autobiographies as critiques of totalitarianism
  3. Sensationalist and Celebrity "autobiographies"
  4. Autobiographies of the non famuos
  5. Fake autobiographies
  6. Fictional autobiographies
Example of autobiography

Contoh karangan autobiografi dalam bahasa indonesia.

Dengan nama Allah yang tak henti-henti memberi kurnia,
Selawat dan salam buat kekasih-Nya Muhammad saw beserta para pengikutnya,
Kita pohon perlindungan Allah daripada syaitan musuh yang nyata.

Aku adalah sebuah rehal. Aku diperbuat daripada kayu. Aku merupakan rehal mahal buatan tangan. Aku diukir halus oleh seorang tukang di bengkel belakang rumahnya yang terletak di Kampung Tok Senik, Langkawi.

Perjalanan hidupku bermula apabila ada seorang wanita pertengahan tahun datang berkunjung ke bengkel pembuatku. Dia begitu teruja melihatku. Duit bertukar tangan, dan kini aku menjadi miliknya.

Sampai di rumahnya yang terletak jauh nun di ibu kota, aku dipasang renda segala, ditempek manik labuci segala. Setelah dirias sekian lama, sebuah naskhah al-Quran hard-cover dengan hiasan kulit warna emas diletak ke atasku. Dan aku, adalah antara 15 dulang hantaran dari pihak pengantin lelaki (merangkap anak mak cik tadi).

Bukan main aku diusung dengan kompang dan bungga manggar ketika kenduri. Aku mula merasakan bahawa hidupku akan mula memasuki fasa bahagia penuh glamour.

Kusangkakan panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di waktu dhuha. Apabila tetamu terakhir balik dengan pipi masih terlekat sebutir nasi minyak, terus aku dibogelkan dari renda-renda. Terus, aku beserta naskhah al-Quran yang mulia diletak di tingkat teratas almari kaca, di sudut ruang tamu.

Itu cerita 13 tahun dahulu. Kini, anak sulung pengantin sudah masuk darjah 6, dah nak UPSR. Tetapi, aku dan naskhah al-Quran itu tidak pernah berpindah-randah sejak kenduri kahwin itu. Adalah sekali dua, kami berganjak. Itu pun sebab bibi tuan rumah nak lap almari sebab dah nak raya.

Pagi itu, radio dipasang, dan aku terdengar lagu Manusia Lupa nyanyian Akbar ft. Ahli Fikir.

Wahai penghuni penyewa alam semesta
Duhai jiwa termenung terpukau silau sihir dunia
Apakah masih buta tuli di dalam hati
Mestikah lagi menipu diri sendiri
Kiblat mu kini menjadi - 5 2 inci
Takwa mu pula - terhias indah terkunci rapi dalam almari kaca

Aku terasa.... Andai aku bisa berbicara, mahu kuteriakkan pada semua PENYEWA ALAM SEMESTA,

"Hari ini, sudahkah kau baca dan tadabbur al-Quran atau masih, al-Quran itu berhabuk dalam almari?"


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Shapes and Body Parts

Udah lama gak posting nih nyambung dlo ah.
Kali ini tentang shapes and body parts dlo.
Agak susah juga nih masukin gambarnya tapi tak apa....
The Human Body
The human body
The human body
Close up on the foot
Close up on the hand
SoundPronunciation Click hereSound
shoulder neck Learn more about appearances here.


Build Up

Inside the Body - Simple Anatomy

The organ inside the body of a person, where urine is stored before it leaves the body.

The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity.

digestive system
The organs in your body that digest food.

The ear is made up of three different sections: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. These parts all work together so you can hear and process sounds.

'The eyes takes in information about the world around you - shapes, colours, movement, and more. Then they send the information to your brain.

The heart sends blood around the body. The blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the body.

One of the main jobs of the kidneys is to filter the waste out of the blood.

A large organ in the body which cleans the blood and produces bile (a bitter yellow liquid which helps to digest fat).

The lungs are one of the largest organs in the body, they work with the respiratory system to take in fresh air, and get rid of stale air.

The opening in the face which consists of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind which contains the teeth and the tongue.

The frame of bones that support the body.

The line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body.

The hard white objects in the mouth, which are used for biting and chewing.

(see above)

urinary tract
The parts of the body which produce and carry urine.
urinary tract


Naturally Speaking

Describing aches and pains
If your head hurts:
"I've got a headache." or "My head aches."
If your stomach hurts:
"I've got stomach ache." or "My stomach aches."
If your back hurts:
"I've got backache." or "My back aches."
If your neck hurts:
"I've got neckache." or ""My neck aches."
If other parts of your body hurt:
"I've got a pain in my arm / leg etc."


It's Monday morning and Mr Smith has gone to see the doctor.
Hello Mr Smith. We haven't seen you in a while. What seems to be the problem?
Mr Smith
Well, I fell off the ladder whilst I was decorating and hurt my ankle. It swelled up and hasn't gone down since.
OK - let's have a look, take off your shoe and sock and roll up your trouser leg.
(Examines ankle)
Ah yes, I think we had better send you to the hospital to get this X-rayed. You may have broken a bone.
Mr Smith:
What? You're joking! No wonder it hurts so much.




Types of triangles

Equilateral triangle

Isosceles triangle

Right angled triangle

3D shapes





Rectangular Prism



Mathematical shapes


Pentagon - 5 sides

Hexagon - 6 sides

Octagon - 8 sides


Miscellaneous shapes










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